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Mortgage Broker for Seniors

Why Seniors, Retirees, and Pensioners in Penticton Should Consult With Carloni Mortgage Brokers Before Buying a Home

We may be BC Southern Interior’s go-to brokerage for young couples and young parents, but we’d be remiss to not mention another valued segment in the Okanagan Valley. In fact, the senior/pensioner demographic makes up 29% of our population. You are the pillars that hold up the Penticton area community, and even though you’re retired from the rat race you’ve still got a lot of ambition. If buying a new home is one of them, then you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading.

Mortgage Broker for Seniors

Let Someone Else Handle the Hassle

You’ve paid your dues. At this point in your life you don’t want to waste a minute dealing with red tape. When it comes to buying a home in 2021 it’s a long one to unravel. If it’s been awhile since you’ve delved into the home buying process here is a look at the steps you have to take:

  • Mortgage calculations (to determine down-payment required).

  • Establishing a monthly (or other term) for mortgage payments.

  • Getting pre-approval.

  • Compiling required documentation regarding all forms of income. This includes Canada Pension Plan, old age security, retiring allowances, other pensions and super-annuations, registered retirement savings plans, annuity payments, pooled registered pension plan payments, retroactive lump-sum payments, registered retirement income funds, and possibly more.

  • Deciding between a variable or fixed rate mortgage.

  • Deciding which mortgage terms (amortization, etc.) best suit your situation.

  • Searching for and comparing lenders, their rates, and possible concessions.

  • Searching for and comparing supplementary services such as Realtors, agents, insurers, and more.

That’s a lot of steps, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What’s the point of being retired of attaining exciting new goals feels like a whole lot of work? Fret not, because when you partner with our brokerage, you get to hand all of the messy stuff over to us.

We will be by your side from those initial calculations all the way through to closing of the sale, and then some. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call Rene Carloni today at 250.493.9111 to get started.

You Demand More Bang for Your Buck

Given that you’re getting/considering a new mortgage in your retirement years, we’re assuming that you have made some savvy financial decisions in life. The equity and credit history that you have built up over the decades is allowing you to throw your hat into the real estate market once again. Your seasoned perspective has made you smarter, and you’re certainly not about to accept any old offer from lenders. The “best they can do” is just poppycock. You know that banks and other lenders have more interest-rate flexibility than they advertise. However, getting them to admit it is a different story. That’s where we come in.

Carloni Mortgage Brokers has longstanding relationships with banks along with less traditional lenders and financiers and as such can get you get access to lower and unadvertised rates. And if you’re finding this at the mid-juncture of 2021 you’ll be pleased to know that these rates are at or near historic lows.

All you need to do is call Rene Carloni today at 250.493.9111. Tell us what you demand from your hard earned dollar and we’ll get the job done!

More Than a Home, But an Investment Opportunity

The motivation for a retiree buying a property is often not the same as a young couple who is just starting out. You need a broker who understands that.

Are you looking to leave the empty nest and move into a condo? Then you have a huge opportunity to keep the existing home, and leverage its equity to buy a second more practical (for you) home. You may not have considered this option, but in reality it can be a much smarter move. How can taking on new debt be wise at this station in your life? Because you can use your old property to earn income on either the short term (STR) or long term rental (LTR) market. This income can be used to pay down the new mortgage, and even add a little icing to your pension and other forms of retirement income.

Or, you may have every intention of staying in your current home and using the new property for the same STR or LTR income opportunities. Given that you live in the BC Southern Interior’s prime resort community, occupancy is rarely ever a problem. Be sure to look into lakefront or wine country homes if seeking highly lucrative dividends on the STR marketing, using online resources like Airbnb and VRBO to your advantage. View more about how we can help you with vacation home investments, be it for your own enjoyment, to earn monthly income, or both. We will help you discover a world of opportunities in BC’s hottest real estate market.

Carloni Mortgage Brokers can also provide you with other forward-thinking financial services that are tied to your existing properties – such as refinancing and home equity loans that you can use to make other smart investments.

If you’re a senior household in the hunt for a mortgage in the Penticton BC area (including OK Falls, Naramata, Summerland, Peachland, etc.) please do call Carloni Mortgage Brokers today at 250.493.9111 for a friendly noncommittal conversation


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