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Mortgage Broker for Healthcare Workers

Why Healthcare Workers in the BC Southern Interior Turn to Carloni Mortgage Brokers to Get Help Buying a Home

We recently covered mortgages for first-responders, but this week we want to dive deeper into the concept with a look at healthcare workers in BC. After an unimaginable couple of years, you’re overdue for a reward – and a return to focus on yourselves for once. As a big part of your goals for the year/s ahead, you have made homeownership a top priority. Congratulations on your decision to take this important step! That said, given the nuances of buying a home in BC you could use some help. That’s what we’re here for. Carloni Mortgage Brokers in Penticton BC has pledged to assist the province’s treasured healthcare workers in getting a favorable mortgage in the Okanagan Valley. Here is why you should reach out to us today.

Mortgage Broker for Healthcare Workers

Because You Don’t Have the Time to Do it On Your Own

“There are not enough hours in the day” is an expression that healthcare workers understand better than anyone. Countless hours at the hospital, clinic, and/or annex have probably been a part of what has caused you to put off getting a mortgage in the first place. It’s certainly a daunting prospect for first-time buyers. If you go at it alone you’ll have to navigate through an endless list of to-dos, including initial mortgage calculations, pre-approvals, lender research, lender negotiations, mortgage insurance, closing documentation, and more. However, when you work with Carloni Mortgage Brokers for your BC Southern Interior home purchase you gain a partner who will manage all of the red tape for you. This allows you to focus on the fun part – finding your dream home.

Access to Special Programs That Can Save You Thousands

While you appreciate having someone take on all of the leg-work for you (above) what you really want is to get down to brass tacks – can a broker save you money on your mortgage? Carloni Mortgage Brokers will.

How? For one, we have first-hand knowledge of newly introduced programs that offer essential workers such as yourself with access to rebates, coverage for appraisal costs, and other financial incentives. More importantly, Carloni Mortgage Brokers will get you access to lower unadvertised fixed and variable rates in addition to private lenders who may offers terms that are far more favorable to your financial situation. A mortgage broker will also help you capitalize on other first-time buyer incentive programs that will reduce your down-payment requirements. You may also qualify for RRSP home buyer plans, tax credits, new housing rebates, and green home programs. You can review your qualifications as a first time buyer on the Government of Canada website here. Alternatively, you can skip the hours upon hours of research and simply call our Penticton BC office to inquire.

There for You After You Get Your First Mortgage Too

You understand how important follow-up is when it comes the patients who rely upon you for peace of mind. Some need it in a literal sense, others simply feel better by being able to speak with you when they have the slightest concern. We want you to consider us in the same manner. At Carloni Mortgage Brokers, we pride ourselves in maintaining relationships with our clients. After all, homeownership is typically not a one-and-done event in one’s life. You may need help with future refinancing, renewals, home equity loans, and when the time comes – a second or vacation home mortgage! We’re with you through your entire journey as a homeowner, even if you simply need someone to call with a simple question.

Healthcare Workers: Call 250.493.9111


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