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No Houses for Sale in Your Area?

How Carloni Mortgage Brokers Can Help New Buyers Find a Home Despite Seemingly Limited Inventory

The BC Southern Interior has a major problem, and there’s no way to sugar-coat it. The four-season resort community is considered by most everyone as the BEST place to live in the entire province. Even worse, is that experts recently stated that our towns are now rated the best for real estate investment. This is all very devastating.

Wait, what?

Isn’t this all GOOD news? Sure, but when you consider the impact of being one of the most attractive places to buy a home in the country, you’ll find that there is one side effect that new buyers abhor – limited inventory of houses. This is the predicament that you find yourself in. It’s why you jumped online, and instead of asking a question, you literally typed “There are no houses for sale in my area” into your search bar (sans an exclamation so as to not anger Google).

Thankfully you did, because we feel your pain. In fact, your exact statement is what has brought other clients into our Main Street Penticton office over recent years.

We have the answer you’re looking for.

Will we magically make new construction houses appear out of thin air? Imagine that (super lucrative). Unfortunately we do not have the power to make that happen. What we do have, is the ability to immediately increase YOUR buying power. In doing so, you can afford a property that you didn’t think that you were able to. How is this possible? Let’s review!

No Houses for Sale in Your Area?

Open Your Options to a Wider Price Range

Based on your own calculations of income, savings, and credit rating you have come to the conclusion that you can only afford a house in a specific price range. That low-to-moderate price range is typically where inventory is the most lean. If you approach a lender on your own, you most certainly restrict your options and will have no choice but to wait for new residential construction to be completed. That may take years, especially in the Okanagan Valley where expansion is limited by the all-embracing hills and mountains. But with our mortgage brokerage you will very likely find that you can afford more than you anticipated. How is this possible?

For one, we can help you qualify for first time buyer incentive programs that effectively reduce your down-payment requirements. We will also look into other options that you may not have considered, such as RRSP home buyer plans, first-time buyer tax credits, new housing rebates, and even green home programs. In addition, we can also connect you to alternative private lenders who do not obsess solely over your credit score. Moreover, our brokerage is also renowned for getting clients access to lower unadvertised fixed and variable rates, which can reduce your monthly expenditure requirement. Any of the above will allow you to afford a house in a higher price range. This is one of the most effective ways to beat the Okanagan Valley’s real estate inventory “slump”.

Well Connected

Carloni Mortgage Brokers has been a part of the BC Southern Interior community for over a decade. We have deep and longstanding relationships with those in the real estate industry. To put it crudely (yet aptly) we know a guy, who knows a gal, who has a cousin with intel on currently or soon to be available properties that are not yet on the local MLS feed. Think about it, we have been working closely with real estate professionals, and it’s extremely important for them to keep us in the loop about available inventory. After all, we don’t just connect new buyers to lenders, we connect them to a wide range of related product and service providers, including Realtors and agents that have the lowdown on available houses, even when inventory appears invisible.

Call us at 250-493.9111 to get connected.

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