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Valentine’s Day Mortgage

Valentine’s Day Themed Mortgage Tips for New Buyers in 2023

Our Okanagan BC office believes in celebrating all of the special days of the year. We also believe in love, which is why we’ve got a special delivery for prospective home buyers this Valentine’s Day. Is it flowers? Maybe chocolates? We’ll leave all of that for your beloved to manage. Instead, we’re sharing some tips that marry your adoration of Valentine’s and your deep desire to find a place to call home this year. Let’s dive in!

Valentine’s Day Mortgage

Getting a Mortgage as a Young Couple

Young love. There’s nothing quite like it. You’ve got hearts in your eyes and they are firmly set on the future together. A big part of that future, is home ownership.

Our brokerage has worked closely with dynamic duos such as yours, and as such have become quite familiar with the dos and don’ts of the home buying process as a couple. For one, it’s important to consider a property that is suitable to your needs today, but also for tomorrow should you plan to add a bundle of joy (or two+) to your union. In addition, be sure to leverage the knowledge, experience, and even the equity of those who set an example as a loving couple – your respective parents. We expand on these concepts and two other tips for young couples getting a mortgage together, right here.

What About Singles?

The perception about Valentine’s Day has changed over the last decade or so. It’s no longer just about couples. For some it has become about self-love and self-care, especially for those who are not “bound” by a relationship. While self-care is often associated with spa days, fitness, nutrition, and emotional/mental health support, there is one aspect that if often overlooked – finances – which in this case boils down to real estate investment. What better way to celebrate your independence this Valentine’s Day than by taking the plunge into homeownership?

We think that getting pre-approved for mortgage on Valentine’s Day is a great idea, but as a single person there are a number of things to first consider. You need to give much thought to how you represent your sole income, how you can come rip with the downpayment on your own, which type of rate (fixed or variable) makes the most sense for your personal goals, and an honest assessment regarding how long you may in fact stay single. View more on what can be involved when getting a single person mortgage.

Are There Valentine’s Day Mortgage Deals?

There are Black Friday mortgage offers, but are there mortgage Valentine’s Day deals too? While some banks advertise them, they are almost always repackaged versions of mortgage rates, terms, and rebates that they already offer before and after February 14th. It’s like when Smarties plops their red and pink candies into heart shaped cardboard – it might look unique, but it’s ultimately the same product that you get in March, July, and so on.

Instead of combing through the websites of Canada’s big banks for Valentine’s Day mortgage deals, send a love note (or email) to your local mortgage broker to inquire about specials and lower-than-advertised rates. A professional broker has longstanding relationships with lenders after having sent them business over the years. To return the love, lenders provide brokers with discounted rates,. Brokers pass the love on to their clients in the form of lower variable and fixed interest rates. All that you need to do to get struck by Cupid’s arrow in this case, is initiate contact. If you’re located in the Okanagan Valley or anywhere in BC, call us today for a friendly and FREE consultation regarding your desire to own your very own home.


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